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Thoughts, Ideas and Inspiration for Managing your Household Finances


Where did my money go?

It can be quite confrontational when we first look at this. So I want to say that it’s completely normal to feel scared, ashamed or embarrassed that you had no clue that it’s where your money is going. You might have just realised that Netflix was something the household paid for (you thought it was […]

Financial Document Analysis

How much do you actually spend on booze?

I want to tell you Allan’s story. He was shocked at how much he would spend going out to the pub and shout his mates drinks. He’d go out, he’d buy beers and spirits to go to parties, and not only was the drinking a bit much (according to his wife) he was spending a […]


Tracking your money is like magic

So many people I have worked with say the same thing. As soon as you know what money you are spending, you can’t help but be more intentional with it. If you limit your spending to $200 per week, then you are going to be more careful of what you choose to spend your money […]

Collaborative Brainstorming Session

There’s a hole in my bucket

Ever wonder where your money disappears to? If you don’t keep track then you are going to spend all you have. Even trying to save means that you find an excuse to spend without a clear focus for your money. What do you need to do? Have a reason to save. And I’m not just […]

Money Skills in your Inbox

Short and sharp actions you can take to keep growing your money skills