How much do you actually spend on booze?

I want to tell you Allan’s story. He was shocked at how much he would spend going out to the pub and shout his mates drinks. He’d go out, he’d buy beers and spirits to go to parties, and not only was the drinking a bit much (according to his wife) he was spending a fortune on booze.

Together they worked out what would be an acceptable amount for the household budget to spend on alcohol. Then they set a bank account up just for that. Each week there’s $300 to spend on alcohol- and not a cent more. This could mean at the pub, at home or out at a mates place. As soon as the bank account is empty that’s it.

And 4 years later, it still works, the bank account is still in play and it’s been a game changer for their relationship. Now he knows how much is being spent on booze and he is confined to those limits, accepts the limits, and looks for ways to take advantage of discounts and bulk buys. He’s also a little healthier too, which is normal for most household budgeting – it’s not just about the money, but that’s where it starts.

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